Executive committee mainly:

a) ensures the fulfilment of resolutions and decisions of annual assembly, makes direct decisions and arrangements leading to their execution and implementation;

b) organizes and manages the activities of the federation;

c) approves and publishes internal rules of the federation unless those are not under the responsibility of the annual assembly;

d) publishes the rules of use of the symbols of the Federation;

e) creates expert commissions and sets their activity and authority and names their heads and members, as well as repeals;

f) fulfils the tasks of repealing body against all its expert commissions;

g) prepares the documents needed for the meeting and decision making of the annual assembly;

h) is responsible for the proper use and maintenance of the property of the federation;

i) cover operative cooperation between the bodies of local and national organizations;

j) makes decisions about the member disqualification under the by-laws.


Activities and the competencies of the referee commission. Referee commission prepares and submits to the annual assembly of CPHF the following:

b) concept of the development and management of the referees

c) plan and the activities of the education of the referees

d) duties of the referees under various licences and criteria for their assignment

e) submits the nominations and disqualifications of the individual referees

f) nomination of the referees in the individual tournaments

g) results of the work check-ups of the referees

h) concepts of the manner and the hight of the rewards and sanctions of the referees in the tournaments

i) concepts of the rules concerning referees in the tournaments

j) supportive documents required for the referee´ budgeting

k) concept of the manner and the hight of the rewards of the referee trainers

l) any other documents required on the demand by the annual assembly of the CPHF

  1. m) opinion on the materials created by other commissions of experts.


Under the responsibility of the annual assembly belongs to the following:

a) the decision about the closing of the Federation with the liquidation or its transformation, meaning fusion or division;

b) the decision about the changes of the by-laws, including the change of the name or symbols of the Federation, change of the headquarters belongs under the decision of the executive committee;

c) election and repeal of the members of the executive committee and the election and repeal of the members of the advisory board;

d) election and repeal of the members of the advisory board;

e) the decision about the creation, repeal and change of the side organization;

f) approval of the financial result submitted by the executive committee;

g) approval of the past activities submitted by the executive committee;

h) make decisions about the real estate belonging to the Federation;

i) deciding about the main paths of the activities of the Federation;

j) approval of the agenda of the annual assembly, the voting rules and other necessary internal decrees including these by-laws;

k) approval of the membership fees amount and due date;

l) decision about the approval of a member or its repeal.


Under the responsibility of the advisory board belongs to the following:

a) supervision of the Federation management,

b) supervision of the side organizations management,

c) supervision of the use of the donations or other means received by the state funding or other public funds within Federation or side organizations.
