Powerchair Hockey or as well floorball on electric wheelchairs is the only one action focused team sport designed for the individuals with a greater disability of moving apparatus.

  • it was created in the Netherlands in the 1970s

  • in the Czech Republic since 2002

  • 40 active players at the present in the Czech Republic

  • 4 competing teams in the Czech Powerchair League

  • Powerchair Hockey is present in 22 countries on 4 continents.

Powerchair Hockey is in the Czech Republic the only team sport possible to play on the electric wheelchair.  The rules of the game are created in regards to the highest players safety. They allow even the players with a high degree of the disability of moving apparatus to be able to actively participate without any restrictions.  There are two types of players in the Powerchair Hockey:


A t-stick player is using a special hockey stick (so-called T-stick), mounted to the front side of the wheelchair and controlled only by the movement of the wheelchair as a whole. This stick is usually used by the players with a higher disability of moving apparatus. These players are living proof of the uniqueness of the Powerchair Hockey as a sport as even an individual able to move only by the head, can become a full-valued player. The rules of the game set that at least two T-stick players have to be present at any time on the field: one in the goal and another one in the field.


An H-stick player uses a common floorball stick to play which he holds in his hand or the stick is properly attached to the player´s arm. As the players‘ ability to move to differ, players can choose on which site the stick will be and what will be the style of holding / attaching the stick to its arm. It is very common that players are using the safety belts or elastic bandages which help players to achieve a higher level of the game. The roles of the players are assigned by the team manager who takes into consideration their abilities when creating the tactics.


The safe course of the game is helped by the following arrangements:

  • collisions are not allowed, pushing, hacking, high stick game and any other contact which can put players in danger is not allowed

  • the ball can be played only within the height of 20 cm

  • maximum wheelchair speed is 15km/h

  • every game is ruled by two referees who can punish the faults by warning, sending the player off for two minutes or until the end of the game.

Who can play the Powerchair Hockey?

Abroad, mainly in Germany or the Netherlands, there is an active system of qualification mapping to its best the abilities of each player and deciding if a player can or can not play the Powerchair hockey. In the Czech Republic as the number of active players is too low, there is no qualification or classification system. So the answer to the question: who can play power chair hockey, is not defined. In general, the Powerchair Hockey is primarily designed for individuals who are using an electric wheelchair in their everyday lives. In the Czech Republic the players with the following disabilities are actively playing the Powerchair Hockey:

  • quadriplegia, tetraplegia

  • inborn genetic disabilities

  • nerve-muscular disorders such as SMA, muscular dystrophy or neuropathy

  • poruchy růstu

  • others

The course of the game

Under the recent rules, the game is divided into two parts lasting 20 minutes. The goal is 20 cm high – the same as allowed height of the space in which the ball can be played. In front of the goal is located the goal area, in which the goalkeeper can only operate for safety reasons.  The style of the game may differ as each manager adjusts their tactics to the players‘ abilities and technical possibilities of the player. In some European countries, such as Germany, the point system is applied. This system gives each player points reflecting his or her disabilities and it sets the maximum amount of points on the field.  The goal of this point system is to create the same conditions for each team. In the Czech Republic, this kind of point system is not applied as there is a low number of active players. So it is completely under the manager´s decision to decide about the composition of his or her team. Each team can use one “timeout” in each half of the game and unlimited alternations. The game is managed by two referees using the green, yellow and red card to control the game.
